Case Study

Measurement of Customer Experience and Service for University Research Institution

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A university specialising in product research within the construction sector engaged with Leading Edge to embark on a project to measure and enhance its customer experience. The primary aim was to gain insights into the overall engagement process with its partners and to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, the institution sought to learn from its competitors’ processes, identify prospective partners and inform the long-term strategic planning for departmental restructuring.

Project Objectives: Comprehensive Assessment of Engagement and Partnerships

The project was designed to capture detailed customer feedback on the university’s engagement process. This feedback was crucial in understanding how current and past partners perceived their interactions with the university. The institution also aimed to discern valuable lessons from the engagement processes of competitors and identify potential partners for future research endeavours, these objectives were integral to the university’s goal of developing a strategic plan for internal restructuring.

Research Methodology: In-Depth Interviews and Benchmarking

To meet these objectives, interviews were conducted with 50 respondents, consisting of both current and past partners of the university. These partners ranged from building product manufacturers and trade associations to government bodies and product research consultancies. The interviews focused not only on benchmarking service levels but also on gathering detailed qualitative feedback, which added depth and context to the quantitative data.

Outcomes: Identifying Opportunities for Improvement and Partnership

The research delivered significant benefits for the university. It identified key areas for improving the engagement process, making it more effective and aligned with partner expectations. The project also helped in pinpointing potential partners for future research work, expanding the university’s network for collaborative opportunities. Furthermore, the insights gained were instrumental in guiding the development of an internal restructuring program, aimed at enhancing efficiency and effectiveness across departments.

Conclusion: Informing Strategy with Targeted Research

The conclusion of this project underscores the value of targeted research in understanding and improving customer experience and engagement. By thoroughly analysing feedback from a diverse range of partners and benchmarking against competitors, the university was able to identify critical areas for improvement, establish new partnerships, and inform its long-term strategic planning. This approach not only enhanced the university’s engagement processes but also positioned it strategically for future success in research and collaboration within the construction sector.

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